Ответы на тесты МИП -
Спецдисциплина на иностранном языке

Ответы на тест по дисциплине "Спецдисциплина на иностранном языке"

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1. Choose a proper field for the given definition: Branch of psychology dealing with justice system. Specialist of this field can assess individuals' mental competency to stand in trial, sentencing and treatment suggestions, and advisement regarding eyewitness testimonies. This field of psychology requires a strong understanding of the legal system:

Forensic Psychology

2. Choose a proper field for the given definition: It primarily focuses on the bodily functions regarding the nervous, sensory, and motor systems and any possible psychological disorders that may relate to them:

Biopsychology and Evolutionary Psychology

3. Choose a proper field for the given definition: Focuses on diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders and problematic patterns of behaviour. Studyinvolves clinical therapy and counselling:

Clinical Psychology

4. Choose a proper name of the research activity for the given definition: It can be used to gather a large amount of data from a sample from a population:


5. Choose a proper name of the research activity for the given definition: It creates cohorts of subjects over the same expanse of time, allowing sectioned observations rather than continual:

Cross-sectional research

6. What is the primary purpose of communication?

To inform

7. What is the purpose of clarifying in communication?

To confirm understanding and eliminate misunderstandings

8. What is a feedback loop in communication?

a two-way interaction when each participant provides information or opinions

9. Which of the following statements is true about effective communication?

It requires understanding both verbal and non-verbal cues

10. Which level of Bloom's taxonomy involves breaking down information into its parts and examining relationships between them?


11. Choose a proper field for the given definition: This field of psychology studies the physical and mental attributes of aging andmaturation. This can include how cognitive, social and psychological skills are acquired throughout growth:

Developmental Psychology

12. Choose a proper field for the given definition: Focuses on behaviours and thought patterns that are unique to each individual. Studies in this field include conscious and unconscious thinking and personality traits:

Personality Psychology

13. Which of the following communication channels is the most effective for conveying emotions and building trust?:

Video conference

14. Which level of Bloom's taxonomy involves making judgments or decisions based on criteria?:


15. Choose a proper field for the given definition: Branch of psychology that focuses on cognition and thoughts:

Cognitive Psychology

16. Choose a proper field for the given definition: Branch that focuses on how individual health is directly related or affected by biological, psychological, and sociocultural influences:

Health Psychology

17. Which level of Bloom's taxonomy involves understanding, explaining, or summarizing information?


18. Which level of Bloom's taxonomy involves using information in new situations or solving problems?


19. Choose a proper name of the research activity for the given definition: Focuses on one individual. The studied individual is typically in a extreme or unique psychological circumstance that differentiates them for the general public:

Clinical studies or case studies

20. What is the purpose of paraphrasing in communication?

To restate the speaker's message using your own words for clarity

21. Choose a proper name of the research activity for the given definition: Through this more prolonged time of study graduation differences can be examined, described and evaluated:

longitudinal research

22. What is active listening?

A strategic way of listening and responding to another person that improves mutual understanding

23. Choose a proper field for the given definition: Focus on psychological aspects regarding sports and physical performance. Study includes motivation, performance related anxiety, and general mental well being:

Sports and exercise psychology

24. Which of the following is NOT a level of Bloom's taxonomy?


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